Talking about website hosting, there are many options that you can go for. You can experiment with various kinds of hosting, maintain the web hosting in different ways, do several permutations and combinations and then avail the service of the one which you found most worthy of. But is it practical? Do you have so much time to invest in? No. And to end your woes pertaining to a web hosting, the most reliable is a Fully managed VPS web hosting.
To begin with, let us understand what a VPS hosting is and how can you benefit by opting for a managed VPS hosting:
What is a VPS web hosting?
VPS stands for a Virtual Private server. The word ‘virtual’ is rightly used as the original web server is virtually divided into multiple servers. It is called ‘Virtually’ because the physical server is one big complete server. When you look at the server, it is one big server. Physically, the server is not divided. It is the resources that are divided. Every smaller server has its resources like the CPU, the RAM, memory, storage, and an independent control panel.
A website occupies the whole small server. The small server in itself is so well equipped with all the resources that it operates as a server itself. Since the server servers only one website, it has all the benefits of a dedicated server.